Sydney Bridge Climb verses the Bridge Pylon Climb

Sydney is an important cruise stop, not just because Sydney Bridge is iconic, but because many people use it to start or terminate a cruise. Did you know that less than half of the people on a world cruise go all the way around?

iVisa.comSome use a world cruise to see relatives, leave the ship, and fly home. That means a long flight, so here is our tip on how to avoid JET LAG.

It’s very simple in concept but can be a little awkward to actually work out and do….

24 hours before departure fast for 12 hours. From then on (incl during the flight) meal times must match the timing and usual quantity of your destination.

It’s remarkable how effective it is. I assume it works because the digestive system is the main controlling influence of your body clock ….

Here we take a look at the actual Bridge Climb (on steps and harnessed) to the top of the bridge, against the much cheaper Pylon Tower climb. A very useful comparison, please share.

Here are some other useful ideas, especially the luggage tags.